The Seven-Fold Prayer also referred too as the Seven Limbs Prayer is from Samantabhadra’s Prayer to Noble Deeds. It consists of the seven noble limbs of paying homage to those worthy of veneration, making offerings to the noble ones, confessing one’s sins and faults, rejoicing in the virtues of the noble ones and all sentient beings, requesting that the noble ones turn the wheel of dharma, beseeching those who can pass into final nirvana not to do so but to remain to benefit beings, and dedicating whatever virtue gained towards perfectly enlightened Buddhahood.
With clarity of body, speech, and mind,
I bow without exception to all the lions among men
Of the past, present, and future,
In every world in all the ten directions.
By the power of this Aspiration to noble deeds,
I manifest bodies as numerous as all the atoms in all the lands.
aware in mind of the presence of numberless victorious Buddhas,
and I prostrate to all of them.
I conceive the entire realm of truth
To be completely filled with Enlightened Ones.
There are as many Buddhas as atoms present in each atom,
each Buddha surrounded by many Bodhisattvas.
I honour all these blissful lords,
extolling the ocean of their inexhaustible perfections
with an ocean of all melodies and sounds,
and endless praise.
I offer to those heroic Buddhas
the best flowers, best garlands, best music,
best ointments, excellent canopies, finest lamps,
and the best incense.
I offer to those heroic Buddhas
the finest robes and best fragrances
and a variety of foods piled as high as Mount Meru,
all perfectly arranged.
By the power of my faith in noble deeds
I prostrate and present
vast and unequaled offerings
to each of the victorious Buddhas.
I confess every type of wrong
that I have done
in thought, word, or deed,
under the influence of desire, anger, or ignorance.
I rejoice in the meritorious deeds
of all the Buddhas of the ten directions,
the Bodhisattvas, Pratyeka Buddhas, Arhats,
practitioners, and all sentient beings.
I request all the enlightened protectors,
who have attained the detachment of Buddhahood,
and illumine the worlds of the ten directions
to turn the peerless Wheel of Dharma.
With hands folded, I beseech
those who intend to manifest the final nirvana
to remain for as many eons as there are atoms in all the Buddha lands,
to gladden and benefit all living beings.
May whatever little virtue I may have gained
from prostrating, offering, confessing,
rejoicing, requesting, and beseeching,
be dedicated to attaining perfect enlightenment.
Ji nyay su dak chok chu jik ten na
Du sum shek pa mi yi seng ge kun
Dak ki ma lu dey dak tam chay la
Lu dang ngak yi dang way chak kyi o
Zang po cho pay mon lam tob dak ki
Gyal wa tam chay yi kyi ngon sum du
Shing ki dul nyay lu rab tu pa yi
Gyal wa kun la rab tu chak tsal lo
Dul chik teng na dul nyay sang gye nam
Sang gye sey kyi u na shuk pa dak
Dey tar cho kyi ying nam ma lu pa
Tam chay gyal wa dak ki kang war mo
Dey dak ngak pa mi zey gya tso nam
Yang kyi yen lak gya tso dra kun kyi
Gyal wa kun kyi yon ten rab jo ching
De war shek pa tam chay dak ki to
May tok dam pa treng wa dam pa dang
Sil nyen nam dang chuk pa duk chok dang
Mar may chok dang duk po dam pa yi
Gyal wa dey dak la ni cho par kyi
Nab za dam pa nam dang dri chok dang
Chey ma phur ma ri rab nyam pa dang
Ko pa khyey par pak pay chok kun kyi
Gyal wa dey dak la ni cho par kyi
Cho pa kang nam la ney gya chay wa
Dey dak gyal wa tam chay la yang mo
Zang po cho la day pay tob dak ki
Gyal wa kun la chak tsal cho par kyi
Do chak shey dang ti muk wang ki ni
Lu dang ngak dang dey shin yi ki kyang
Dik pa dak ki kyi pa chi chi pa
Dey dak tam chay dak ki so sor shak
Chok chu gyal wa kun dang sang gye sey
Rang gyal nam dang lob dang mi lob dang
Dro wa kun kyi so nam kang la yang
Dey dak kun kyi jay su dak yi rang
Kang nam chok chu jik ten dron ma nam
Chang chup rim par sang gye ma chak nyay
Gon po dey dak dak ki tam chay la
Kor lo la na mey pa kor war kul
Nya ngen da ton kang shey dey dak la
Dro wa kun la pan shing day way chir
Kal pa shing ki dul nyay shuk par yang
Dak ki tal mo rab jar sol war kyi
Chak tsal wa dang cho ching shak pa dang
Jay su yi rang kul shing sol wa yi
Gay wa chung zey dak gi chi sak pa
Tam chay dak ki chang chup chir ngo o